Taekwondo with Brendan

Event Details

This event finished on 21 September 2023

Taekwondo with Brendan Doogan 


Martial art, a version of unarmed combat designed for the purpose of self-defence. We learn how to keep ourselves and others fit and safe.  Students learn stances, punches, blocks, and kicks. They exercise and enjoy each other’s company in a constructive learning environment, hearing stories and sharing examples about how we should act in our daily lives.    

See Brendan’s website: https://www.brendandoogantkd.com/     

Who: Year 3 to Year 6  

Start Date: TBC

End Date: TBC

Place: Hall 

Time: 3:10 to 4:10PM  

Cost: $90 for 7 sessions  

Enrolment & Payment:  

Step 1 Fill in https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=DQSIkWdsW0yxEjajBLZtrQAAAAAAAAAAAAZ__ouDgeNUQkZUSExNSlEwSzNKT0hSSFhWMjZXRlJIRy4u 

Step 2 Bank transfer to: 

B Doogan, Kiwibank  

38 9005 0884643 02 

In Particulars please insert Care Givers name. 

In Reference please write: FBPS 

Step 3 Please email brendandoogan@outlook.co.nz

FBPS recommends that you screen shot your bank transfer and email this to Brendan once you have made the bank transfer to be extra secure. 😊 

Special Note: Brendan needs a minimum of 20 to start the class.